What is Loss of Strength?
Loss of strength refers to a reduction in one's ability to exert force or power using their muscles. This can occur due to various reasons, both temporary and permanent.
Some common causes for temporary loss of strength are:
- Fatigue: After strenuous exercise or activity, muscles may feel weak due to accumulation of lactic acid and lack of energy. Rest allows recovery.
- Injuries and pain: Issues like strains, sprains, and fractures can make movement difficult and reduce strength. Treating the injury will help restore strength once healing occurs.
- Vitamin/mineral deficiencies: Lack of nutrients like vitamin D and magnesium can affect muscle functioning. Supplements or diet changes can treat mild deficiencies.
Permanent or long-term loss of strength may be due to:
- Nervous system disorders: Diseases like multiple sclerosis and motor neuron disease weaken signals sent to muscles from nerves, causing loss of coordination and power.
- Wasting of muscles: As we age, muscle mass naturally reduces a condition called sarcopenia. Disuse of muscles can also lead to atrophy. Doing resistance training helps mitigate such loss.
- Hormonal changes: Reduction in hormones like testosterone and growth hormone leads to reduced protein synthesis required for muscle growth and strength gain. Hormone replacement therapy at a reputable clinic like Renew Wellness can help.
- Chronic illnesses: Certain diseases like cancer, kidney/liver failure cause loss of appetite, restricted nutrient absorption leading to severe muscle wasting. Treating the illness may help regain some strength.
The extent of strength loss can vary from a minor reduction in ability to lift weights at the gym, to losing function of muscles required for daily tasks like climbing stairs or carrying objects.
People experiencing rapid, unexplained loss of strength should consult a doctor, as it may indicate an underlying health condition. Staying active with proper exercise and nutrition can help mitigate most causes of strength loss.